关于 makop 勒索病毒

关于 makop 勒索病毒


该勒索病毒最早在 2020 年 1 月份被国外安全研究员发现通过垃圾邮件进行传播,在 2020 年 2 月份首次出现在国内,从国内多个受害者日志分析发现,该病毒在国内的主要传播渠道为通过暴力破解远程桌面密码,拿到密码后手动投毒,到目前该勒索病毒已有多个变种,修改文件后缀为 makop 以及 shootlook.

服务器文件被加密, 生成 makop 文件, 勒索比特币.

::: Greetings :::

Little FAQ:
Q: Whats Happen?
A: Your files have been encrypted and now have the "makop" extension. The file structure was not damaged, we did everything possible so that this could not happen.

Q: How to recover files?
A: If you wish to decrypt your files you will need to pay in bitcoins.

Q: What about guarantees?
A: Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will cooperate with us. Its not in our interests.
To check the ability of returning files, you can send to us any 2 files with SIMPLE extensions(jpg,xls,doc, etc... not databases!) and low sizes(max 1 mb), we will decrypt them and send back to you. That is our guarantee.

Q: How to contact with you?
A: You can write us to our mailbox: Goodhack@privatemail.com

Q: How will the decryption process proceed after payment?
A: After payment we will send to you our scanner-decoder program and detailed instructions for use. With this program you will be able to decrypt all your encrypted files.

Q: If I don抰 want to pay bad people like you?
A: If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause only we have the private key. In practice - time is much more valuable than money.

DON'T try to change encrypted files by yourself! 
If you will try to use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions - please make a backup for all encrypted files!
Any changes in encrypted files may entail damage of the private key and, as result, the loss all data.

现在.makop 勒索病毒能否解密



MAKOP 加密方式为分段加密大于 1.5M 的文件,小于 1.5M 的文件为全字节加密,如果被加密后要恢复的是数据库,可以通过修复数据库的方式来进行恢复,当然,MP4 等视频文件也可以通过这个方式来进行修复,都有成功案例或正在进行的案例。小于 1.5M 的文件,病毒加密程序加密的过程为:新建一个同名文件并在文件名后加上后缀,再将原文件读入内存进行加密,完成加密后写入新建的文件中,最后将原文件删除。这个过程看似可以通过数据恢复技术找回被删除的原文件,但有一个漏洞,被删除文件在被删除后,空间就会被释放,加密程序再写入文件时,原来的存储空间就会被覆盖。所以这种方式成功率很低。


中毒时间大概为 8 月 6 号凌晨 2 点左右



- System 
  - Provider 
   [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing 
   [ Guid]  {54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D} 
   EventID 4625 
   Version 0 
   Level 0 
   Task 12544 
   Opcode 0 
   Keywords 0x8010000000000000 
  - TimeCreated 
   [ SystemTime]  2021-08-05T17:26:32.460283300Z 
   EventRecordID 117196 
  - Execution 
   [ ProcessID]  512 
   [ ThreadID]  2004 
   Channel Security 
- EventData 
  SubjectUserSid S-1-0-0 
  SubjectUserName - 
  SubjectDomainName - 
  SubjectLogonId 0x0 
  TargetUserSid S-1-0-0 
  Status 0xc000006d 
  FailureReason %%2313 
  SubStatus 0xc000006a 
  LogonType 3 
  LogonProcessName NtLmSsp  
  AuthenticationPackageName NTLM 
  TransmittedServices - 
  LmPackageName - 
  KeyLength 0 
  ProcessId 0x0 
  ProcessName - 
  IpAddress - 
  IpPort - 

受到了 NtLmSsp 攻击, 无源攻击



  1. 多台机器,不要使用相同的账号和口令,以免出现“一台沦陷,全网瘫痪”的惨状;

  2. 登录口令要有足够的长度和复杂性,并定期更换登录口令;

  3. 严格控制共享文件夹权限,在需要共享数据的部分,尽可能的多采取云协作的方式。

  4. 及时修补系统漏洞,同时不要忽略各种常用服务的安全补丁。

  5. 关闭非必要的服务和端口如 135、139、445、3389 等高危端口。

  6. 备份备份备份!!!重要资料一定要定期隔离备份。进行 RAID 备份、多机异地备份、混合云备份,对于涉及到机密或重要的文件建议选择多种方式来备份;

  7. 提高安全意识,不随意点击陌生链接、来源不明的邮件附件、陌生人通过即时通讯软件发送的文件,在点击或运行前进行安全扫描,尽量从安全可信的渠道下载和安装软件;

  8. 安装专业的安全防护软件并确保安全监控正常开启并运行,及时对安全软件进行更新。

解决方案 :进行 NTLM 策略控制,彻底阻止 LM 响应


是否开放了 3389 端口供外网访问;

  • 深信服机器的控制台开过外网, 出现问题后已关闭

NtLmSsp 攻击来源 ip: 受到攻击时可以通过 Wireshark 数据包分析;


1: [无来源 ip 的 RDP 爆破防御对策小记] https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1689545
2:[深信服社区,makop 勒索病毒震撼来袭] https://bbs.sangfor.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=113779